Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Federal Law and illegal immigration

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President Obama said, "What I've directed my Justice Department to do is to look very carefully at the language of this law to see whether it comports both with our core values and existing legal standards, as well as the fact that the federal government is ultimately the one charged with immigration policy. And I expect to get a final report back from the Justice Department soon, at which point we'll make some decisions in terms of how we are going to address that law."

Kris W. Kobach, a professor of law at the University of Missouri at Kansas City says, "Arizona Law will endure." He was Attorney General John Ashcroft's chief adviser on immigration law and border security and was one of the principal drafters of Arizona S.B. 1070.

Yesterday John Jordan, always blunt and to the point, asked the Mayor why he was for the illegals. He responded as above. No one has a crystal ball here. Obama is NOT God and he certainly has not had "change" that I can believe in. Just yesterday the Supreme Court upheld a federal law that makes it a crime to provide "material support" to terrorist organizations. Thank God the entire Supreme Court has not been compromised.

Fremont, Nebraska just approved a ban on hiring or renting to illegals and the word is that some will challenge that in court. Why are our laws constantly challenged? Terrorists should have no rights and neither should illegals.

We shall see if left-winged scare politics and socialistic agendas have consumed all reason and sanity and will squash States Rights and the 10th Amendment. What is even worse is the Feds using our tax dollars to fight Arizona, a State trying to enforce a law that the Federal government has failed to implement. The majority of citizens agree with Arizona and agree with our Federal Laws that are not outmoded; they are just not enforced.

"I believe in states' rights.... I believe we have distorted the balance of our government today by giving powers that were never intended to be given in the Constitution to that federal establishment." ~ Ronald Reagan

1 comment:

  1. Mayor Rene Varela and his crystal BALLS. Maybe I'll go to the Mayor's next coffee and ask him about some lottery numbers. Maybe he and Miss Cleo can join forces and fill one of those empty shops on Dixie.I guess that he and the rest of the Commissioners who slapped the United States in the face last Tuesday night can have all of Lake Worth's illegals working for them in the next campaign ,because I SURE WON'T BE !!!!!!!!
