Friday, June 11, 2010

Dinner at the Golf Course on taxpayer's dime

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No, I wasn't lurking around the Lake Worth Golf Course last night attempting to get photos of all the members of City Boards' as well as Staff and the Commission dining on Italian that was catered in. There was a band that was described as "the best music." A cash bar was opened for all those who wanted to feel even better. Everyone had a glorious time and everyone got along like they were best friends, or so I was told.

I was also told by the Chair of the Financial Advisory Board that it "was money well spent." He said that they don't get paid for being Board members (that's right--it is VOLUNTARY) and this was a "great party." When I asked about spending money such as this as the City worries about budget and a $2.7 million deficit, he replied that, "the city has plenty of money; this is nothing."

When I said that it was easy to spend someone else's money, I was told that the money was "all of ours." Frankly, I don't want to ever hear again, from anyone, that we are broke.

Get the City fixed. Don't raise taxes. Don't raise fees across the board as you did last year. No more excuses. And then all the rest of us will "party."


  1. Chair of the Finance Advisory Board, you mean your friend Ron Exline? Anyone who thinks the City has "plenty of money" does not belong on the Finance Advisory Board.

    Or am I just blowing smoke? After all Lake Worth is burning!

  2. You always have to get it down to a personal level, don't you? Tell it to the 150 people who were there who were happy to be there--all of them.
