Friday, June 18, 2010

Florida Hometown Democracy Demonstration against Mayor David Levy of Palm Beach Gardens

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June 17, 2010 Palm Beach Gardens City Hall
Mayor David Levy gets police escort into building.
Police were all over the place, guarding his vehicle
even a patrol car parked close by with a canine dog that barked ferociously.
I asked the Mayor to turn for a photo but he refused.

Politics does breed "strange bedfellows" and Florida Hometown Democracy demonstrated against Mayor Levy for his anti-stance and official Co-Chair of the Anti Amendment 4 group. The Environmental Coalition group demonstrated against Levy because of Scripps and PB Gardens Council wanting to raise the heights in PB Gardens to 95 feet.

Demonstrating against Mayor Levy for Scripps and his
anti-Florida Hometown Democracy voice for developers,
"Fat Nazi" does it again!

Panagioti given $116 ticket for standing on road.

Police were out in full force. The FHD Group stayed at the entrance of City Hall while the Environmental Group meandered to the other side of the building on Military Trail. The police were watching our every movement. As one elderly woman who walked by said, "a little over-reaction on their part doncha think" as she pointed to the car with that attack dog.

Read PB Post article

1 comment:

  1. Levy is a PUSSY!!! Did he think that we were going to jump him or something ? This says a lot for the people he's been hanging out with.I guess that the Anti Amendment 4 people beat people up and key the cars of the people that don't agree with their lies.I'll bet that the police were all laughing their asses off when they saw the big ,tough Amendment 4 people that they had to "protect" their Mayor from !Great use of taxpayer dollars ,"PROTECTING"the yellow hide of Levy the liar.
