Sunday, June 13, 2010

David Levy, Mayor of Palm Beach Gardens, does not believe that the people have the right to vote

We ask, why is Mayor David Levy of Palm Beach Gardens "fighting" the people's right to vote on land-use changes? Is this what an elected official should be advocating? Does being elected all of a sudden make you God?

Two months ago Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy (the "Vote No on 4" campaign) announced its co-Chairs for PB County: David Levy-- Mayor, Democrat, and environmental leader--and Brian Seymour-- attorney, Republican, and business advocate. The two are working together to defeat Amendment 4 in Palm Beach County.

Now, don't you think that Mayor Levy of Palm Beach Gardens should have better things to do with his time like controlling bad growth in his own town instead of spreading the lies about Amendment 4? Mr. Seymour probably represents developers so we can understand where he is coming from.

David Levy and Brian Seymour say that Amendment 4 would cost jobs, raise taxes, and encourage sprawl. Ryan Houck, the campaign's executive director said, "We're honored to have them leading the campaign in Palm Beach." Well, of course you do, Ryan. Your entire campaign is a bunch of lies.

David Levy is the Mayor of Palm Beach Gardens, a member of his local Sierra Club, and a former Environmental Specialist for the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. "This ill-advised amendment has the potential to wreak havoc on Florida's natural resources by encouraging sprawl, which will disrupt our unique quality of life," said Levy.

Mr. Levy, you just don't understand. What has disrupted our quality of life and what has cost us high taxes and jobs is YOU, the Chamber of Commerce, developers, and your friends. And now you want to stay in power for life in Palm Beach Gardens. The people here can't afford any more politicians such as yourself.

Brian Seymour Chair of the Environment and Land Use practice with the law firm of Gunster, Yoakley, & Stewart, P.A. added, "Amendment 4 would further decimate Florida's struggling economy by contributing to high unemployment and preventing the creation of much-needed jobs." Brian, you know this is hogwash but then that's what attorney's do.

Do we want jobs created at the expense of our wetlands, the environment, our agriculture land and the Everglades in order to create a concrete jungle?

Citizens for Lower Taxes and a Stronger Economy (the "Vote No on 4" campaign) is an umbrella organization that leads opposition to Amendment 4. The campaign's statewide Board of Directors includes former National League of Cities President, Clarence Anthony, Florida Chamber of Commerce President, Mark Wilson, and Florida AFL-CIO Executive Committee member, Frank Ortis.

You have to wonder how these supposedly educated fellows can believe the garbage they spew. Is power really that important? Are cutting deals under the table just normal politics they don't want to lose? Is it just almighty greed that they just can't envision losing? Take your pick but it's probably all of those things.

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