Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CRA Board Interviews tonight

Update: Donna Ross just informed me that she resigned from the CRA on Sunday night as she is relocating to SC. There are now 3 positions opened on the CRA.

Tonight, 24 applicants are trying for 2 positions on the CRA. Why do so many people want to be members of our Community Redevelopment Agency?--to ensure that Lake Worth follows their vision and path in redevelopment.

Right now we have $23 million in NSP2 money. That has to be an enticing reason to want to be a member. Just think what your influence can do to direct all that do re me.

Lisa Wilson has applied to this Board. Ms. Wilson is the Director of The Mentoring Center in a space that was given to her for $1 a year to find jobs for the unemployed as well as the undocumented/illegal immigrant which is against the law. Her business is funded through grants and government money. She lives in West Palm Beach and this business does not pay ad valorem. The way I understand it is, in order to become a member of a city board in Lake Worth, you must either live here or be a manager of a business or an owner of a business in our city that pays taxes. Does she? Who encouraged her to apply?

I was told that when questioned about all the computers at the Resource Center, aka illegal hiring hall and what they were used for, she intimated that the quesitoneer was shhhh, "racccccccist."

Personally, I would rather see anyone appointed to any of our City Boards but Lisa Wilson.

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