Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Beach/Casino Political Snags

Photo from the past on keeping our beach zoning as is--
Public Recreation and Open Space Zoning thus
protecting it from small hotels, etc.

The Beach Petition and Ordinance 2009-18

I like to bring the above blog back up from time to time just so that you will NOT forget what happened at our beach and why the zoning was not changed to protect our beach from commercialization. This was supposed to go to ballot on November 3, 2009 and we, the people, were to vote on this.

Commissioner Jennings did not like the ballot language and in fact said, even though this was originally her initiative, she would not "knock on doors" to support it. Elaine Humphreys, city attorney, said that the more appropriate place to restrict commercial use was in the Zoning and therefore the best approach would be to change the zoning code. Once that was done, the City could change its Charter which would then be in compliance with the Zoning Code.

None of this was EVER done--zoning was not changed and everything went dead--all the effort was in vain even though petitions were brought forward to get it on the ballot. It was culled by Jennings and We Love Lake Worth Political Action Committee that gathered the necessary signed petitions. All the work and effort was as if it never happened.

The City Commission took no action--they let the people down and by so doing, gave up our beachfront property to any possibility. Beach and Casino zoning (commercial zoning) went to the DCA and the only things holding up the Comp Plan now are the owners of the Sunset parcel and La Sonna Hayes, a political pawn in the stalling process, who is challenging heights.

Greater Bay wants its greedy hands on our beach so it can flip the deal. The Dirty Dozen, a group that is certainly confusing, is in support of these actions. The are talking against the re-build of our Casino and giving some counterfeit, insincere argument that we can't afford it or our financial condition should not allow our casino to proceed. They always argue that it is the other side that wants no progress but what they really mean is, if you do not agree with their vision for Lake Worth than you are wrong; you are the hypocrite and they are the only ones with mystical powers of truth. They should love Commissioner Jennings instead of vilifying her at every chance.

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