Friday, June 25, 2010

Arizona Law coming to Florida?

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"Florida Republican leaders have begun crafting anti-illegal-immigrant legislation modeled after an Arizona law that has incited widespread protests and fueled national and international debate over U.S. immigration policies."

Read more about it HERE.

"Civil rights groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union have filed legal challenges to the legislation and President Barack Obama’s administration is expected to follow suit." That's as good a reason as any to know that Arizona is on the right course.


  1. What does Marco Rubio,who's campaign rhetoric makes Ronald Reagan sound like a Commie, have to say about illegal immigration ?The old guard on both sides of the isle have sold this country out to Mexico. They need to have their butts kicked out of office this November.

  2. Marco Rubio opposes illegal immigration. He opposes amnesty and illegal immigration. He has said this a million times. He wants everyone to immigrate the legal way.
