Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sun Recycling - Let's Dump them

They have been dumping on us; let's dump on them.

See one of the first videos William Coakley did on Sun Recycling and an interview with Joe Kroll. Never fudge an answer with a "pro." This was when Sun Recycling was in fast and furious first gear to dump waste on our 65 acre landfill that they were moving up from Broward County. The waste was highly questionable as exposed by William Coakley. They moved truck after truck on to our property and packed it down. Although Sun said it was all legitimate building debris, no one in the City did a test even when we requested and pleaded with them to do so.

Typical dump by Sun

Our landfill Contract with Sun Recycling has been a nightmare from inception. Why a City Commission agreed to do what it did, has brought bewilderment, disgust and lots of public out cry. Why would a City Commission vote to receive $1,000 a month to screw up a property that had been dormant for years and where we had spent millions of dollars to reclaim and get ready for development? The land was estimated to be worth anywhere from $150,000 an acre up to $270,000 an acre. People still talk about it three years later although it seems eons ago. We have had so many other crises since and so many bad votes from previous commissions.

Although Staff said at the time that there would be no costs to the City when agreeing to this Contract, there have been devastating costs, not only to our land that was being reclaimed but to all those residents living in the Osborne area. Sun hauled in questionable debris for months on end, all day long and ruined the land for any re-sale for development in the future unless the building was built on pilings and off the ground and then who knows.

Our Internal Auditor at the time recommended criminal charges be brought against our Finance Department Director and Public Works Director both of whom are no longer with the City. There has been nothing but corruption associated with this contract. Health issues abound in the Osborne Community and even former Commissioner Retha Lowe took multiple campaign contributions from Sun Recycling companies, some with even erroneous addresses. She was fined by Tallahassee and still, to this day, some question whether it was "pay to play." Why would any City want to get involved, again, with a company that was a party to this?

The Contract was signed by Mayor Jeff Clemens on May 25, 2007 for three years with two, three year renewals. It automatically ends if the renewal term is not agreed.

Sun Recycling's Attorney
On November 9, 2009, Sun was back in our City asking for another Contract on vegetation and bulk disposal. And what did we do? We gave them a Contract. It was presented by Staff that it would always be $1 less than Solid Waste's and Sun guaranteed that 90% of it would be recycled. Sun even agreed to extra misters to keep down the dust. I have no clue as to whom is overseeing that. Commissioner Maxwell even said that it was a "win-win" for us and that Sun was coming around to be better neighbors. Why? Because they promised to perform something?

Commissioner Jennings had asked for a meeting of the Osborne neighborhood before any contract was signed and it never happened. She brought up several reasons not to sign it. Staff pushed for this Contract and it was finally voted in by all the commission after much discussion. Mayor Varela gets off the hook as he had not yet been elected. Realizing that it is futile to go against a majority vote, I still would expect a commissioner to vote his/her conscience and not just make it a consensus.

When contracts come up before the Commission, all past problems with that vendor should be revealed. Our Commission changes every two years and some are just not informed and therefore trust Staff and the City Manager. Allowing Staff to take control has always been our problem in this City. The public speaks out but no one listens. Those who spoke out then are still doing so today. Staff, it seems, is just more credible in their eyes. We have always been little thorns in their side. This has been constant frustration for many of us who do get involved in this City.

So, after all the problems, the City Commission went with Staff's recommendation. You just don't keep doing business with a "bad neighbor." No amount of money or savings is worth it, because in the end, there is NO savings.

See Sun Sentinel's article on Sun's Illegal Dumping.

Sun Recycling had a court reporter at Tuesday night's meeting along with their attorney who spoke during public commentary. Sun Recycling's contracts with the City of Lake Worth are coming up at the next City Commission meeting.

Be sure to show up and let the Commission know what you think.

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