Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Poly want a crack? - Message from Mark

Comment Up

Mark has left a new comment on your post "Running off at the Mouth!":

Lyn you can call for my resignation daily if you like that will not change a thing. I have done nothing that would call for my resignation from the CRB. I have not organized any protests on City property, without a permit, using City Utilities to power amplifier equipment to spew lies about a candidate, I have not harassed and threatened a local business owner and organized others to do so, I have not been involved in decisions that may cost our city millions in law suits. The only thing I am proud to be guilty of is not allowing myself to be as you put it "enlightened" by you. Lyn worry about enlightening yourself for indeed it is truly the only person YOU can!

Mark A. Parrilla


  1. Hola Lyn,

    You should take some adobe photoshop classes from Tom he is much better at this than you are. I am sure you will be "enlightened" on how to better ratio your proportion measuring skills!

    Thanks for my daily dose of mirth!

    "Unperchingly" yours,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  2. Don't bother coming over here and parroting the sameo, sameo. The big head was proportioned correctly.

  3. Mar--Stop trying to post over here. We have heard enough from you. Step down.
