Friday, May 14, 2010

The League of Cities - Socking it to the People

I don’t like the League of Cities—never have. They are always sticking their nose into city business and we, the taxpayers, pay our City’s membership fee so that we can get screwed. We pay for commissioners to go to these "hot" lunches and listen to more bull. Their existence is from membership fees and all these special events. Their mission is to strengthen municipal self-governing powers through Home Rule. In other words, they show city government members how to sock it to us.

They are against Florida Hometown Democracy.

Amendment 4
The Florida League of Cities opposes Amendment 4, a proposed constitutional amendment that would require voter approval of all changes to local comprehensive land-use plans. The League supports new legislation which requires that as a prerequisite to filing an application for a comprehensive plan amendment or development order, an applicant must meet minimum requirements established in statute for citizen input and participation.

Essentially what they are saying is that it is okay if we, the residents, publicly comment on how a city government wants to change the look of our neighborhood. We can speak to the issue. How generous of them. What a crock. They are giving us permission to do what we have always done knowing that elected officials do not listen to the public anyway. Why do you think that one million people signed a petition to get this Amendment on the ballot? So that governments can continue urban sprawl? So that we can have Miami Beach here in Lake Worth?

They are for Red Light Cameras

Yesterday the League joined hands with Governor Crist on the Red Light Camera Law which authorizes the use of cameras throughout city governments across the State saying that they are "enforcement devices." Of course, the State will now get a cut of the proceeds derived from those local governments using red light cameras. This is sort of like the Sopranos taking kick-backs on all their “made men” and their questionable operations.

Red Light cameras have always been about money, not safety. The League of Cities calling red light cameras “deterrents,” when it is all about cash to the government, is laughable.

The League of Cities just keeps socking it to us and we, the taxpayer, just keep on feeling the pain.

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