Sunday, May 30, 2010

Illegals protesting Arizona Law - How ridiculous is that?

Only In America

It is estimated that we could have 40,000,000 illegal immigrants in our country--people who just stick our law right in our face. And they protest that they don't like that we want them to follow U.S. law.

Now these people organized a country-wide protest against Arizona law transporting them into Tempe for a massive demonstration against the citizens of this country.

"Obama, listen, we are in the fight," they chanted in Spanish. A handful of protesters also carried a massive banner that read: "Where's the change? Mr. President how can we trust you for re-election?" Thousands March to Protest

The question really is, How can we trust the government to enforce its own laws when those making the laws are politicians? Why do these politicians keep listening to the ILLEGAL and not the citizens of this country who are living within the law and paying the bill?

Under Title 8 Section 1325 of the U.S. Code, "Improper Entry by Alien," any citizen of any country other than the United States who:
  • Enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers; or
  • Eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers; or
  • Attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact;
  • has committed a federal crime.
Violations are punishable by criminal fines and imprisonment for up to six months. Repeat offenses can bring up to two years in prison. Additional civil fines may be imposed at the discretion of immigration judges, but civil fines do not negate the criminal sanctions or nature of the offense.

On this Memorial Day weekend, we need our government to reflect on why our brave Americans fought and died for this country. Was it to be invaded by criminals as our elected officials sit there and do nothing but clap for Calderon?

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