Thursday, May 27, 2010

Financial Advisory Board Member, Bill Thrasher, offers suggestions

As mentioned earlier, FAB member, Bill Thrasher, brought up ideas, changes and suggestions for the City of Lake Worth to get out of this financial hole. One is Rural/Metro which is a corporation located in Scottsdale, Arizona that has been in business since 1951.

Their web site states--Rural/Metro Corporation is a leading provider of emergency and non-emergency medical transportation services, fire protection and other safety-related services to municipal, residential, commercial and industrial customers in approximately 400 communities throughout the United States.

Mr. Thrasher has proposed that we privatize our Fire department as well as Medical Emergency Services thus saving money.

He has many suggestions and if it is determined that this Board is to be pro-active, then his suggestions should be given proper discussion and consideration.

As one resident said, “I think he should be listened to and his ideas probed further. Give him the opportunity to establish a trend of reliability."

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