Friday, May 28, 2010

Cap and Trade the Democrats and send Calderon packing

They say that life comes full circle.

I became a Democrat right after Richard Nixon became President in 1969. After what our Congress did a week ago directly after Calderon’s speech and looking at Nancy Pelosi’s botox smile and Joe Biden’s grinning face, (elected officials who never had read the Arizona Law) that is just about to end for me. I will be hard pressed to vote for ANY Democrat.

This clapping and agreeing with Calderon’s lecturing and bashing American citizens on Arizona’s Immigration Law, was disgusting and borders on treason as far as I am concerned. He got a standing ovation for gosh sakes. When have you ever seen our government agreeing with a President of a foreign country whose citizens break our law on a daily basis and agree with him over one of our sovereign States in this Union? When? Was it back during the Civil War? And when do you have a majority Party saying that it is perfectly fine that Mexico break our laws and then have the nerve to throw Arizona's Law up in our faces?

This is a most outrageous action. Republicans were few in the Chamber. They were the ONLY ones that had the good sense to stay away as it was highly inappropriate for Calderon to say what he said. The worst was the Democrats agreeing with his blistering comments while over $30 billion dollars has been wired back to Mexico over the last 4 years from illegals in this country not to mention over 422 thousand illegals incarcerated for serious crimes, costing us over $25 billion of American tax dollars.

Click HERE for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, unlike the Southern Poverty Law Center. This group of lawyers is only interested in enforcing the law.

Something is really wrong with this picture. If you don’t think this country is in trouble and you don’t vote all these people out of office, heaven help ya. What we need to do is erect a border fence around Washington, D.C. and cap and trade all of these left winged idiots running this country. And let's wipe that smile off of Pelosi's face.

Google Desert Invasion and read about it.

See the Arizona Diablo Mountain and what the Illegals have done to it. If this doesn't make you wake up, nothing will.

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