Monday, May 3, 2010

CAFR - Political Accounting 101 and Dr. Steve Rosen – Part II

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Dr. Steve Rosen, who is not short on words, is back with more on what he considers a real cause of our budget deficits, CAFR Funds. He implies that government may be stealing from us.

Guest Blogger
Dr. Steve Rosen

Many budget shortfalls are artificial and are created by these B$%^&* in order to justify an alleged “shortfall” and a new demand for tax increases.

Sure a lot is saved for state pension funds, etc. but the vast bulk of it is not used.

See the web site where Walter Burien gives a detailed explanation.

For instance around 1999-2000, Florida alone had around $84 billion tied up in these investments. California right now has enough--near a trillion to pay off there phony $25 billion shortfall with money left over but the politicos are not about to tell anyone about this and woe be anyone who does raise it publicly.

States take funds from all the municipalities in a particular State and invests it in stocks, land, etc. for the earnings. By law, States can buy no more than 5% of a public company’s stocks but that did not stop them.

They formed investment pools run by private investment companies that pool the monies from various States. In this form, State governments can collectively control large bulks of a company’s stock. Part of the outsourcing of jobs overseas is at the behest of these group funds in order to enhance their bottom line using OUR MONEY.

You don’t really believe these people care about jobs creation do you? If so, you are living in the twilight zone! It’s all about money, power and keeping us in our places.

Anything else is pure spin and baloney in order to assure they get re-elected. I could go on and on about the care and feeding of a future elected official and what goes on inside party meetings and will gladly do so if anyone cares to know about this stuff.

We are being robbed blind and any budget shortfall is artificially created through bookkeeping entry tricks.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Dr. Rosen, for your excellent forensic accounting work! Prior to reading your Guest Colunn, I'd have thought that our elected officials would be just as upset as I am to watch our various levels of government running -- all the time now, it seems -- into shortfalls and deficits. Now the scales have fallen from my eyes! It's all concocted so they have an excuse ("Oh dear me!") to increase our taxes and fatten their pocketbooks. Florida pols have gotten particularly good at the fattening, I see: we're no less than #1 in the nation for political corruption. Now please, Dr. Rosen, write the column that you offer -- that reveals more about HOW they do this personal pocketbook fattening. So it's not just as simple as (or limited to) shoeboxes of cash under the table? I'm an Amendment 4 supporter, well aware of the undue influence of campaign contributions and shoeboxes. More help from you in looking behind the screen would be very helpful for this parvenu reader. Looking forward to it!
