Saturday, April 3, 2010

We want to Know -- Illegal Immigration

Nope, not Lake Worth.

Back in 2005, Herndon, Virginia paid no attention to Federal Law and on a 5 to 2 vote elected to open a Day Labor Center on public owned property. Judicial Watch filed a law suit and won. Herndon had to shut down.

I haven't talked about the Illegal immigration problem in some time. And for me, it is no more a dead horse than any other issue in Lake Worth and I will continue to beat on it. Just because no one brings it up, even our anti-illegal immigrant commissioner, I will.
  • Day Labor Centers ignore laws against illegal workers
  • Hiring illegal aliens at a day labor center is a crime
  • Day labor centers drive down work conditions for legal workers
  • Day labor centers depress working standards
  • Day labor centers do NOT work
  1. No one is speaking to this issue in Lake Worth. We want to know why.
  2. We turned over a public building to accommodate an illegal act. We want to know why.
  3. We want to know why Lake Worth won't follow the law.
  4. Why has there been a Pod, (with graffiti on it) on our property for over 2 months when it is against Code?
The 1986 Immigration Reduction and Control Act (IRCA), makes it illegal for an employer to hire an illegal alien. Violation of this law involves the felony of concealing, harboring, and shielding illegal aliens from detection and is demonstrated when employees lack work authorization documents, are paid in cash, Social Security or federal taxes are not withheld, and the employer fails to pay employer contributions.

It is not the potential employer's problem to ask if someone can legally work here when they are lead to believe that The Mentoring Center and the City of Lake Worth are behind the hiring of alien labor and it is alright. It is certainly not their problem when the City sends out a flier in the Utility bill asking residents to hire from this Center.

We want to know why Lake Worth continues to aid and abet.

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