Monday, April 19, 2010

Update on Sunset Drive Parcel

Comment up from Ms. Hayes
Comment up on the comment of Ms. Hayes
On April 1, Sunset Drive Holdings submitted a 2nd Amended Petition for an administrative hearing to the DCA. They are still challenging the DCA’s intent to find the Comprehensive plan amendment “in compliance.”

They just simply don’t like what they heard and are continuing on alleging that the City made material changes to the EAR amendment after the First reading of Ordinance 2008-25 and that these changes were not made in response to the DCA’s ORC Report and other charges such as the City didn’t get required public input.

Sunset Holdings wants the Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH) to review the matter and to agree with their charge that the City’s EAR Amendment is not effective.

Even La Sonna Hayes-Tomanek says she wants to be an Intervenor, someone who has no standing in this matter. Who is La Sonna Hayes? We know that she does not want height restrictions within the City of Lake Worth as she has spoken on that issue before the commission. We know that Mark Parrilla beat her out in forming a legal neighborhood association. We know that she is chummy with all the people behind Genesis. Is this the very same La Sonna that DOT put on notice several years back regarding improper insurance. See page 22. Is this the same La Sonna Hayes who used to have a beauty shop on Lake Avenue and who lives at 713 Pine Street in Lake Worth? Why does Ms. Hayes care about a neighborhood that is over 1 mile away from her residence located in a different zip code? What's her dog in this fight?

The residents of Lake Osborne Heights continue to stand up for their neighborhood. The original Intervenors know and understood that it would have been superfluous to become an Intervenor again. It is now a battle of the Losers versus the Judge at DOAH. Be assured that we will be ready to continue on if need be.


  1. e-mail form LaSonna Hayes--

    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2010 7:58 PM
    Subject: La Sonna Hayes-Tomanek`


    I would like to inform you that, I am an X- D.O.C. OFFICER (FL. STATE PRISON), an enenity of Law Enforcement. I have my Driver Lic. Tag &
    Vin # Blocked because; of my past Employment and the Classification of people I delt with. I have chosen to not have my Public Court Records blocked because, I have an on going case and need easy acess to those records. It is a shame that, I am unable to block all public/internet records. I am now requesting you; to cease and discist posting my name and address on your once! Yes, I realize; this information is public record. but, it not your duty to post it on the internet! If I choose to divulge my name,residence or any other personal information that is MY choice..not yours! Concider being "put on notice" In the future, if this occurs again; I will contact my Attorney.

    Thank You

    La Sonna Hayes-Tomanek

  2. We try to keep the neighborhood updated on what is happening on the Sunset matter,seeing as how this is still an ongoing threat against all of us that live here. No one asked Ms. Hayes-Tomanek to try to become part of the threat against so many families .She willfully did this.This public information will now be given out to all of the people in the area.Her request to become an intervener against the neighborhood is public information.Everyone will be alerted to the public actions that La Sonna Hayes-Tomanek is trying to bring against this neighborhood.

  3. Ms Hayes did call me with a request to delete her affiliation as previously working for the prison system in some such capacity. As I can not edit comments, I would have to remove the entire message. E-mails as everything else on the Internet are public. Unfortunately she did not allow me to speak at all and without comprehension of the situation, the remarks remain.
