Sunday, April 25, 2010



They have already started to block off Flagler Drive for the non-profit event that begins this Wednesday. I used to religiously attend SunFest and have all the beads to prove it. It wasn’t the music that drove me there but the art, the ambiance and enjoying the day out in the sun on Flagler Drive. Strolling along the beautiful waterfront was a fun way to spend a day and boy did we get sun burned. When it first started in 1982 admission was free.

I stopped going 4 years ago when the price got out of control for my budget. Today the costs are $32 a person to attend for one day and $10 to $20 to park downtown to listen to music from musicians with whom I am not familiar (other than a few). We always drove to the Palm Beach Mall and caught a shuttle for $2 round-trip which made the parking problem a hassle free experience.

You can buy reserve seats for the performances at $20 a crack and VIP for $75. The daily Gold Backstage Pass is offered for $1,000 or purchase a Pass for two people for five days at $2,350.

I liked the SunFest when it was simple and affordable but like everything else, cost has escalated to the point that the average family can not attend anymore. Give me simple with music I like at Thursday’s Concerts at Bryant Park or our Evening on the Avenues in Lake Worth.

SunFest 2006

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