Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Resident writes to Lake Worth City Commissioners

To: smaxwell@lakeworth.org; jgolden@lakeworth.org; smulvehill@lakeworth.org; rvarela@lakeworth.org; cjennings@lakeworth.org
Sent: Tue, April 27, 2010 1:17:05 PM

Dear Commissioners. You have a huge responsibility and an opportunity to bring our city out of this financial morass. You need to undo some of what past administrations misguidedly enacted and you need to do something proactive and creative in this dreadful economy. I don't have all the solutions but propose a couple.

The paper this morning had an article detailing how the housing market here has crashed lower than any other place in the area. It doesn't take a PhD in city planning to notice that overbuilding made this inevitable. Just a drive past dozens and dozens of unoccupied brand new townhouses on Federal Highway is evidence enough. Putting a stop to any further new construction is one action long over due.

Another is give the unions a choice - good faith binding arbitration or face the fact that jobs will be eliminated. You can't get blood from a rock. If it's not there, it's not there. Hang tough. (And this comes from a died-in-the-wool, pro labor union member.)
Best wishes to you all,

Lisa Stewart
1232 North L Street
Editor's note: Ms. Stewart has a great argument for Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment 4

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