Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Public Commentary during Workshops

Comment Up

How many of you have ever heard a Commissioner state that he/she wanted to hear what the public had to say and overwhelmingly the public had much the same view or was in a majority on a view. They have even used the fact (that we did not speak and getting it on the record) against us. If a citizen doesn’t make his own public statement for the official record, it can be used against him in certain areas such as “standing in a law suit.” Speaking one’s opinion is what democracy is.

But we’re talking about a Workshop Meeting and this is different. Today the Mayor brought up whether or not there should be public participation in workshops. Only one commissioner said that “a lot of people say the same thing…put ego aside and let someone else say it.” She wanted this limited because as the very name implies, it is a workshop and this is the only time that the Commission can get things done. I understand her frustration. It does get tiring listening to the same people all of the time and I am one of them they are forced to listen to.

However, as far as workshops go, I think that there should be public participation when time allows. That should be at the discretion of the Mayor.

What does anyone else think?

P.S. I still do not like Comment Cards

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Workshops are a time for our Commission to get things done. If there is time, have public comment.PLEASE get rid of the blue cards! What is shameful is a TWO HOUR discussion at the regular City Commission meetings.FOLLOW YOUR OWN 1/2 hour rule-anything requiring MORE THAN 1/2 AN HOUR Commission discussion should be sent to a workshop.Marathon public meetings show a total lack of respect and disregard for the public.Also, why the Stepford behavior of a lockstep vote ?!? May I remind our elected officials- You are SUPPOSED to standing in the shoes of YOUR ELECTORATE,NOT YOUR STAFF !!!!
