Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Psycho Girl" put down that Shovel!!!!

Yes, it's all true, says Tracy Peterson of the Bryant Park Neighborhood. Today while in Bryant Park, she spotted workers feverishly moving equipment and prepping the area for a parking lot that was never in the original Contract and moved without public input.

If you recall, 700 residents signed a Petition saying they did not want that parking lot in that location; the Tree Board spoke out against it as did other citizens in the community. This was to no avail because the Commission, on a 3 to 2 vote consisting of Maxwell, Varela and Golden (one of the rare times they did not have consensus), voted to pave over the Park anyway.

Tracy then came back and climbed up on this hill to plant a tree in the middle of the lot where they took out 39 trees. Joe Kroll's assistant, John Lamb, told her that she would have to cease and get off the hill as it was a 3rd degree felony to trespass where a "No trespassing Sign" has been placed.

As she was digging the hole for the tree, she told Mr. Lamb to move as he was down wind and she didn't want to get him all dirty. The Sheriff was called and three deputies came to the scene and told her that Lamb could file a harassment charge.

One of the deputies said, "Maam, put down that shovel." Tracy responded, "But I'm not done yet."

John Lamb waived harassment charges and Joe Kroll waived felony charges. Tracy says, "I thank Mr. Lamb and Mr. Kroll so much as well as the Sheriffs...I really appreciate it as I'm 48 years old and I like the comfort of my king-size bed."

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