Thursday, April 1, 2010

Police Retirement Benefits HB 1319

I mentioned this important Bill on March 21 regarding overtime benefits going towards Retirement.

Larry Cretul, a real estate broker from Ocala and Speaker of the House, has said that HB 1319 and HB 1543 regarding Police Pensions have been withdrawn and will not advance this Session.

According to the Florida Police Benevolent Association, "the legislative leaders were bombarded with calls and e-mails to the point where many of their systems were shut down. We've learned that two House bills, HB 1319 by Representative Grady and HB 1543 by Representative Juan Zapata, were pulled. Because of the pressure and uncertainty of the vote, Senator Bennett who sponsored SB 1902, also pulled his own bill from the committee he chairs. While all of the aforementioned is great news, we must not let our guard down," said the FPBA.

This is BAD news for cities and taxpayers across Florida. The largest part of our Budget is public safety. It is absolutely nuts when we can't afford that and nuttier still that the Unions just keep grabbing all the chips.

What reminded me of this is I just got a solicitation call to help them out this year. Gee, they called the wrong house. They were recording the conversation too!

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