Thursday, April 22, 2010

More of La Sonna Hayes?

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As it is Earth Day, what better day is there to get down to the nitty gritty--as posted by Ms. Hayes:

Developers Build 2 or 3 Homes In A Row (Lake Worth/ Lake Osborne) $375,000.00

3 parcels in a row:
Center parcel has 2 existing homes, build additional homes on either side or demolish and build 3 homes in a row.
Build w no set backs 0 lot line. Parcels are 40ft w x 130 d
375k OBO
Please no insanely low offers, I have done the leg work with the city to get the appovals!
Buy now! Come November the price will go up! Pending multi unit approvals..
Yes, the property is in forcloseure but, I am counter suing the banks for fraud…so this will not be a short sale.

call 561-502-5606

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Editor's Note: The above is posted as it appeared on the Internet--unedited. Also, the phone number listed is the same number sent to me by Ms. Hayes in an e-mail as her phone number. Her e-mail to me was not under any confidentiality nor did she request that it be so.
Properties are in Lakeview Heights subdivision of Lake Worth
1. One house and lot on 0.1226 acres at 713 Pine appraised at $87,259, quit claimed to Hayes 3-07 for $10. This property consists of 660 s.f., 592 s.f. carport and 180 s.f. of unfinished porch. The 2nd unit is 400 s.f. with 162 s.f. unfinished porch.
2. An empty lot on 0.1226 acres appraised at $19,245 bought in '98 by Hayes for $48,000
3. A lot with a utility shed on 0.1226 acres--shed appraised at $1,470 and lot appraised at $19,245 quit claimed to Hayes in 3-07 for $10.

What else do we know about La Sonna Hayes--
One thing that we know, she is not for the protection of the single family neighborhood. She is against height restrictions and says that they will affect the entire City of Lake Worth. She is right on that one and that is why we believe that height restrictions are good, sound, planning and agree with keeping heights low where appropriate. Less crime occurs in single family neighborhoods than in mixed-use.

What she said on December 7, 2007 in front of the city commission: The Lakeview Heights (where she lives) neighborhood was overlooked in the master plan and had been overlooked for a long time. Zoning changes were made which caused property values to depreciate. She requested the area be reassessed and included in the master plan. She said she wanted to develop her property, but the area was zoned SF-7 (single family 7 units to an acre), crime had increased, and said she discussed issues with the Police and Planning and Zoning Departments. The area "A" and "B" and Pine Streets were overrun by gang members. She submitted a petition asking staff from the Building and Planning & Zoning Departments to return Lakeview Heights, specifically the areas neighboring "A" and "B" and Pine Streets to its previously designated mixed use.

That's what she said then and that's what she wants now...against single family neighborhoods for her own development interests, not for the best interests of the neighborhood or the City.

She has petitioned the Department of Community Affairs to become an Intervenor on the Compliance issue and is asking for a formal administrative hearing regarding our Comprehensive Plan to challenge building heights. We say, "not a leg to stand on."

1 comment:

  1. It takes a special kind of greed , a special kind of arrogance,to buy property in a single family neighborhood and then expect the entire area to be rezoned so that you can make a profit.Screw an entire neighborhood and the multiple children and families living there. La Sonna, you certainly are a special person.
