Monday, April 26, 2010

Message from Florida Hometown Democracy - Buddy MacKay on Amendment 4

One of the over-developers favorite snipes at Hometown Democracy is “right problem, wrong solution.” They admit there is a problem, but they have no solution. In fact they continue to destroy what little growth management there is in Florida, in the hopes of reigniting the real estate bubble.

As we’ve said over and over again, Florida’s political class is incapable of putting itself into rehab. Land use is politics, and the heart of Florida’s political power is controlling that majority of votes on your local commission.

A few weeks ago, the Legislature let the Department of Community Affairs lapse into the twilight zone by failing to reauthorize it. Did we really expect them “to do the right thing”? Next year they plan to gut the emaciated agency. Only Amendment 4 can bring the change and accountability Floridians desperately need.

Former Lt. Gov. Buddy MacKay summed up the broken state of affairs nicely in a radio interview in Gainesville. Thanks to supporter Joyce Tarnow for calling in.

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