Monday, April 5, 2010

Lake Worth Complete Count Committee

As I received a communique regarding the Lake Worth Complete Count Committee and another Blog wrote about it, I wanted to post the reply from Shauna Coolican to the suggestion that Annabeth Karson and she were dealing in some kind of political "dirty tricks"...that Annabeth used her City e-mail address to solicit workers to be paid from unrevealed sources as did the PALM BEACH COUNTY COALITION FOR IMMIGRANT RIGHTS and that she was using this somehow for the campaigns of Cara Jennings and Suzanne Mulvehill this Fall..

Here is Shauna Collican's reply--

I received a concerned e-mail from Ryan Anderson about this just before I left town on Thursday, because he had gotten an e-mail about it. Attached is the actual e-mail we sent out. (I am not attaching this e-mail). I sent him the following information also:

We passed the information from Florida New Majority along because it relates to the Census and to jobs. We have received lots of calls about census jobs and referred many people to the tests for work with the local US Census bureau.

The US Census is no longer testing or actively recruiting, but we still get many calls about jobs. Many minority rights groups are mobilizing to get their under-counted populations counted in the 2010 Census. Several State Census websites provide links to these groups' websites for people to get information about how the 2010 Census will affect their interest group population.

The City of Lake Worth Complete Count Committee is not hiring canvassers to promote the Florida New Majority message.

Since I sent the above information to Ryan and since we sent out the original message, we have not received any calls about jobs, since it is clear in the original message that neither we, the City of Lake Worth Complete Count Committee, nor the City of Lake Worth are hiring for these jobs. The contact number is not a local area code and it is not Annabeth's area code.

It is important to know that the Florida New Majority job flier was forwarded specifically to all residents who inquired of us about US Census jobs. We felt it was important not to pick and choose who we thought would be sympathetic to or want to work for that group. That fact that it was sent to everyone should indicate that it was not a political move to mobilize for future election work.

Thank you so much for contacting us right away on this. I do not want misunderstandings about the 2010 Census to interfere with getting an accurate count in Lake Worth.

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