Thursday, April 22, 2010

It is time for Florida's "Dead Cat Walking" to be over - Florida Hometown Democracy is the Answer

Message from Florida Hometown Democracy:

For Earth Day this year, the Florida Legislature is trying to pull the plug on the Department of Community Affairs, Florida’s growth management watchdog. The House has refused to re-authorize this pitiful agency and we hear that next year some powerful legislators plan to abolish DCA altogether. That way they can ensure that the over-development machine has free rein to pump out even more empty office buildings, speculative condos and foreclosed sprawl developments.

We all know that reckless over-development has paved over too many of Florida’s unique places: her beaches, waterways, uplands and wetlands.

The Florida Panther, which used to roam the entire state, will soon be extinct. Why? Because over the past ten years, so much of its remaining habitat has been paved over in Lee and Collier Counties -- one of the epicenters of the busted real estate bubble. Commissioners rubber-stamped a tidal wave of plan changes over the past 2 decades.

Florida’s “dead cat walking” is a reminder that politicians and bureaucrats have shown time and time again they can’t be trusted to protect our homes, our communities, our beautiful State and it’s irreplaceable wildlife.

Voters must have a seat at the table. One good thing this Earth Day: Florida Hometown Democracy Amendment 4 is on the November ballot. We will win if we all make Amendment 4 our top priority for the next six months.

Make Earth Day mean something this year: do your part to make sure Amendment 4 passes. Send a donation, get your friends to donate; email everyone you know; join your local Hometown Democracy group; get involved. Let’s make sure the Florida Panther is the last extinct species in Florida.


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