Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Guns and Assault weapons

While I was attending the Tea Party Rally, there were a few gun advocates there with signs about guns. I really am tired of the same old excuse by Patriots and 2nd Amendment advocates, the NRA, many Republicans, etc. when they refuse to confront the truth--guns kill people.

Their argument is that people kill people. Well, yes but they use guns. Guns are not cool. That's why people buy them--to kill. Their next argument is that people will just use a knife to kill you. Using a knife takes a lot more "guts." A gun is the weapon of choice. Ask anyone in law enforcement. Murder victims by weapon used

Saturday Night specials and semi-automatic assault weapons must be off the streets of America. If we just have to have guns because of some archaic 2nd Amendment or because of politics, then all other guns must be registered. There should be a waiting period before you own a gun. It is bad enough and a national disgrace when anyone can buy this type of a weapon without identification and a national background check. Gun lobbyists have way too much control over politicians who have little common sense and who compromise "right" for campaign contributions and distort the 2nd Amendment. America's Most Wanted Guns

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

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