Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Florida Hometown Democracy

Affordable housing is still in demand. It will always be in demand. As unemployment is still in the double digits, people still dream to afford their own home. Even though we have an estimated housing inventory of perhaps 1 million empty units in the state of Florida, enough to fill demand for the next several decades, builders still want to build expensive units and continue the glut.

Florida's economy tanked right along with the rest of the country thanks to over-building and lack of controls in local government. Aggressive mortgage brokers and financial institutions and just plain bad banking practices, that made their money on commissions and interest, collapsed our economy and did us in.

The Chamber of Commerce and all builders’ associations are fighting any control of their desire to continue to build over the State of Florida believing that buyers will come as they have in the past. We are saturated with condos and builders are still building homes that are too expensive for the average working guy. It has all been about greed and stupidity and corruption of local politicians who allowed and continue to allow this to happen. They refuse to follow their own Comprehensive Plans.

Yesterday, Martin County Commissioner, Sarah Heard, endorsed Amendment 4

As we are all trying to make some sense of it all and stop the insanity, the only way that we can take back control of over-development or just plain bad development in our communities is to vote YES for Amendment 4 in November.

Read about the Impending Foreclosure Clash.

And this is what we are fighting-- deep pockets.

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