Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fire Rescue costs are Sinking the ship in Pahokee

"We're all in this sinking lifeboat," Sasser said. "We're all bailing water furiously, and they're just sitting back getting a suntan." Pahokee Mayor wants Fire rescue to bite the bullet just like eveyrone else.

Read about the sinking ship HERE

1 comment:

  1. In the last election, the Fire Dept.personnel has shown that they are a political organization.That is not what our tax money pays them for, to corrupt Elections. As that is their position,get rid of them and let us, as a small town create a volunteer Fire Fighters Dept.

    Most small towns with small budgets and deficits have those. Replacing them with volunteers, will bring our taxes down considerably!
    Those who gained office with the political fire fighters will vote against this. Let us amend our Charter which includes a Fire Dept. acting as a Fire Fighters personnel, not Elections corrupters with political phone calls for the Candidate they order Citizens to vote for!!
    All Depts. have to cut pay levels ,Fire Dept. is just another City paid for Dept.
    No raises, don't like it, quit, good bye!Hello, welcome volunteer fire fighters!!!!
