Sunday, April 18, 2010

Center of Sanity - Slideshow of Tea Party Rally in West Palm Beach

It was an exciting event in a "room" full of conservatives, an idea that many believe we need to return to in order to bring back the sanity. They believe that both political parties, Democrats and Republicans, have screwed up big time. Being a lifelong Democrat, it is amazing to me how one President, with the gift of oratory, and a Republican before him, ended up moving me to the Center of political thinking.

Describing someone as a "progressive" used to be a more. It now means you are left of left and with socialistic tendencies...the person who is helping destroy America with entitlement after entitlement and coddling illegals. Everytime a commissioner or someone describes himself/herself as a "progressive," I cringe.

As I went to observe, I found out that Tea Party supporters are conservative with most being Republican, or 54%. 41% are Independents and 5% are Democrats. 92% of them believe that America is on the wrong track with 88% disapproving of President Obama's performance.

Here are some pics of some who want to revert to "normalcy," balance the budget and stop the tax and spend entitlement mentality that has put us in debt to the tune of nearly $13 TRILLION DOLLARS.

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