Monday, April 5, 2010

Casino Architect to be Chosen - We are on our Way

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Beilinson-Gomez was picked as number one in the first go-round
Rendering combining the "old" and the "new"

For years, the idea of restoring/refurbishing our casino building has been on the minds of all of us. We have talked about it and it has been a campaign issue for just about every candidate who has run in the last several years. We had some in the City who tried very hard to demolish our building using every tactic imaginable.

We are now on the verge of actually getting something done thanks to Commissioner Mulvehill's unrelenting motivation to ensure that we preserve our history and her understanding that our Casino is important to Lake Worth. She listened to those who supported her campaign. Without our City Manager, Susan Stanton, ordering a forensic on the structure, we would not be at this point today.

On Wednesday, March 3, the top six architectural firms were chosen. They will be back at City Hall to make a final one hour presentation this Saturday, April 10, beginning at 9am. Prior to this upcoming meeting, the assistant city manager submitted Commission approved questions that had to be completed by all applicants. The finalists (lowest score the best) in order of their ranking are:

Beilinson-Gomez - 13
REG Architects - 16
Song & Associates - 17
Slattery - 21
BRPH - 22
Living Designs - 24

Come on out to City Hall and show your support for our Casino restoration and your favorite architect.


  1. Do you know if those questions were available on the website? I couldn't find them. If not, I will ask Rachel for a copy - unless you have a set and can forward them to me. Thanks darling.

  2. This is all that I know--
    from Stanton Mgr Report, week ending Mar 11--

    Casino Building Rehabilitation

    The City Commission, acting in the capacity of the Evaluation Committee, scored

    and short-listed the 13 responsive firms down to six firms: Bellinson-Gomez, REG

    Architects, Song & Associates, Slattery, BRPH, and Living Designs Group. Each firm

    will move on to the next qualifications step in the process of selecting the design

    firm to rehabilitate the Lake Worth Casino Building. Rachel Smithson has compiled

    the Commission-approved list of questions which has been submitted to each firm

    with a request for written answers, one week prior to the next round of

    presentations. The final presentations will be held on April 10th from 9:00am to

    4:30pm in City Hall.
