Monday, April 26, 2010

Bloggers and Blowhards and Budgets

Another "blogger" in this City always likes to make waves and blows hot air into any initiative made by those on the Dais for whom he dislikes. Such a pity. If you mention Florida Hometown Democracy, he has a cow.

I really thought he was much more politically astute than shown in recent remarks on his blog especially pertaining to my statement about "sheer brilliance" regarding the choice of the architect at our Casino. If you want me to explain what exactly happened that day with the vote, please call me. I would be happy to oblige you. I know it doesn't set well with some political factions in this city that are hell bent on changing the dais come this November.

When the forensic study report came in and it was professionally determined that the building was structurally sound, the consensus was to restore the building. The past Commission made this decision with even Jeff Clemens wanting it restored to the 1922 look. It was with the hope of obtaining an historical designation. Cost estimates that were given showed that it would be cheaper to build with certain elements still standing such as the foundation.

Susan Stanton said at the time that she needed to identify the scope of work; that the City should be able to Bond the project; Create an Enterprise Fund and be self-sufficient. Commissioner Golden asked for a feasibility study. Staff was the purported hold-up for this going forward quickly. Here it is nearly 7 months later.

As far as the FAB is concerned, they will be lucky to make any difference at all in our Budget. We have so many problems, with most being Union related, that only a miracle will help now. Susan Stanton has to use all her 18 years of managerial experience to turn this one around by insisting that the Unions cooperate. Although Lake Worth is estimated at a -23% shortfall this year, South Palm Beach is at -20%, Greenacres is at -21% and Lantana is at -21%...these are our closest neighbors. Lake Worth has way too many non-owner occupied dwellings and a bundle of foreclosures.

Mayor Rene Varela predicted this foreclosure crisis more than two years ago when he first ran for Commissioner District 4. His worry is now our reality.

If you purport to supply information to the public, try to a least not to have such a narrow political focus and check with the author before calling her a "liar."

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