Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ask Granny what she fears about the Obama Plan

Typical nursing home scene

  • Reduction in Medicaid nursing home expenditures
  • No more care for Alzheimer's
  • No more funding for Alzheimer's Disease...every 72 seconds someone develops this disease.
  • No more meals on wheels
  • No more transportation to doctors
  • Cost of service will go up
  • Quality of care will go down. You will get less for more but donut hole filled in.
  • 50% cut in community and home based programs forcing Granny to wind-up- in a nursing home, abandoned and abused.
  • The government will raid social security to pay for it. (According to the U.S. Treasury, as of June 2009, the treasury owes Medicare $324 billion. In addition, they owe Social Security $2.3 trillion. As government trusts, both Social Security and Medicare are required to invest any excess funds (revenue minus payouts) in non-negotiable government securities.)
  • The bottom line? Seniors will die quicker
Is this how you want your Granny to end up?

President Obama says, "It's about the millions of lives that would be touched and, in some cases, saved, by making health insurance more secure and more affordable." But what about the elderly, the very ones whose benefits will be less and cost more and a group that is among the poorest in our nation and one that needs healthcare the most? What about them?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it’s "free."
- P.J. O’Rourke

Ask Granny what she thinks.

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