Monday, March 15, 2010

Two Commissioners Out of Town

Comment Up

At the February 16th City Commission meeting, Commissioner Scott Maxwell submitted an item to the Consent Agenda: A Consensus by the City Commission allowing him to attend the National League of Cities four day Conference in Washington, DC beginning March 13.

Suzanne Mulvehill is the Liaison to The League of Cities. As Commissioner Maxwell is an alternate liaison to The League of Cities and represents the City when Ms. Mulvehill is unavailable, we are wondering why it was so important for him to attend.

Now we have both City Commissioners attending with a budget of $2,000 each. In the meantime, the regular commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, has been canceled.


  1. Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill has an MBA and is our most qualified liaison with the Leage of Cities. Why is there a question who should go? The new element wants to take the Adminstration's squandering of our tax money one step further into the downward spiral!
    What has Scott Maxwell done to create revenue for our City?In his campaign and our Employees Letter he promised to reduce our Utility bills immediately by 25%????
    Let him do that first before allowing him to spend our money for useless travel.He never demanded a performance report of our City Manager when he was Commission member 2001-2003! Who or what unsavory element put him up to this, for Susan Stanton? She cannot be strongarmed into committing crooked actions as personal favors, with 18 years experience as a City manager not as a Burger King employee! She oversaw the lives of thousands in those years, succesfully!They would not have kept her if she did an underhanded job as she is now probably being strongarmed by the previous corrupt element, no longer in charge!
    Sofar not one consctructive, helpfull idea has been brought back from those League of Cities' meetings until Suzanne Mulvehill! Why spend the money and continue to do the same thing over and over again?
    This is a sure sign of insanity!!!!
    Retha Lowe never returned with one City improving condition suggestion from ALL those costly trips!Only a smug look. Never an idea to help our economy improve!I would be embarassed!
    When I was in Jacksonville I returned with 11 excellent neighborhood improvement and as a result economy improving , suggestions from their Mayor, carefully ignored by the Lake Worth ego obsessed Commission. Do we need such an Administration? We can save ourselves 40% in taxes! Find out how!!!!
    Dee Mcnamara

  2. No commission meeting, no League of Cities useless trip necessary!
    In these economic hard times, save OUR money.So far not one economically helpful action suggestion has been brought back by any Commissioner. So cancel those proven useless trips and save OUR money.

    Doing the same useless trip over and over again, is a sure sign of insanity! We don't need an isane commission!

    Fiscal resposibility was promised by all Commission members, do it or resign! And save us 40% taxes!
    Dee McNamara

  3. The league of cities- an excellent resource for telling our elected officials how to screw their citizens. It is appalling that Lake Worth even belongs to this corrupt group. Dee was right about Retha Lowe in her previous post. All Retha ever did at the league of Cities meeting was gain weight!
