Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rush - A Turtle's Worst Nighmare

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Rush Limbaugh is someone I look up to for his unabashed opinion. He is always sounding off at someone or something...usually Democrats. Now it is a sea turtle that has his contempt.

As he sits on his throne dining on turtle soup, he is annoyed that he must turn off his lights to the east of his oceanfront mansion during Turtle Season. Afterall, people have rights! He has even taken out full page ads in two local newspapers.

Poor Rush. What an inconvenience as he lives like a king in Palm Beach in his $50 million dollar mansion on the sea while that little turtle struggles just to survive on the sand -- a habitat destroyed by man and lit up like a X'mas tree.

Rush deserves Bill O'Reilly's Pinhead Award.

1 comment:

  1. The period that people have to keep their lights off has gotten totally out of control.It is WAY past the actual turtle nesting period,Rush does not want to endanger turtles. He does however want the ridiculous ,pointless restrictions on lighting to make sense.Stupid, pointless rules SHOULD be challenged.The issue isn't about the turtles. It's about the stupid bureaucrats that don't have a clue as to when turtle nesting period actually is!
