Thursday, March 18, 2010

Ramiccio wants BIG Bucks - wants to Sue

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Ramiccio's old tag

Tom Ramiccio is mad. The Lake Worth Herald gives kudos to Mr. Ramiccio for “rescuing the Greater Lake Worth Chamber of Commerce from years of neglect.” Granted, Tom recruited new members to the Chamber while he was President and in so doing, reaped benefits from these memberships that came in the form of 20% commissions. A source told me that the Chamber is nearly broke.

Now Tom wants to sue the City of Lake Worth and Commissioner Mulvehill. Commissioners have the right to say what they want when it comes to the facts and to the truth. They can act on their own and do not need a vote of the Commission. It is called freedom of speech, Mayor. It does not need to be authorized by the Commission or by God.

Anyone who wants to sue, come to Lake Worth. We are the home of frivolous law suits. We have a big one going on right now, Greater Bay. Everyone learns how to play this game. The City should go to litigation. Do NOT settle. The City should counter-sue. It is high time that we set an example for legal mumbo jumbo by those filing suits that are manifestly insufficient or futile or just because their feelings are hurt.

In fact, perhaps the Lake Worth High School should get into the act and sue Mr. Ramiccio for the reported attempt to strong-arm the school for a portion of its flea-market revenues.

1 comment:

  1. How much did the chamber spend to defeat the Super majority ? How much has the Lake Worth Chamber spent on defeating Amendment 4 ? Can I sue Tom for calling out the lake Worth police Dept S.W.A.T. team to threaten and intimidate a group of citizens (I was at the table ) who were LEGALLY gathering signatures on a petition? Tom and the board of directors for the Chamber are responsible for the bad rep we have.Ramiccio is an embarrassment to our town. What a jerk.Are people still afraid to use cash when dealing with the Lake Worth Chamber?
