Wednesday, March 10, 2010

President's Council Elections

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The President's Council of Neighborhood Associations had its election last Saturday for new officers for 2010. The following are the results of a fairly good cross-section of our city:

Ryan Anderson of Tropical Ridge - Chair
Robert Waples of ROLOH - Co-Chair
Mark Parrilla of Genises - Treasurer
Brent Whitfield of College Park- Secretary

Evidently there is no rule precluding someone from being elected from a neighborhood group whose association has yet to implement By-Laws. In spite of the fact that Tropical Ridge's recent elections were challenged, Ryan Anderson was voted the new Chair of the President's Council.

Mark Parrilla is president of a brand new neighborhood association that was formed by help of political heavy-weights. As one person said to me, "Genises was established with the help from those behind the scenes who have their own political agendas."

It is yet to be determined how "un-political" this Council will be. In the meantime, TRNA is having an alley way clean-up this Saturday from 9 to 11. Meet at the alley way at 7th avenue North between D & E Streets if you want to help.


  1. Dear Lyn,

    I hate to disappoint whoever told you Genesis was established with the help of political heavy weights with their own agenda. I had been doing the footwork to form a neighborhood association two months after my partner and I moved into Lake Worth two years ago. Yes Scott Maxwell attended the organizational meetings and answered questions and was very helpful as I am sure he would be to any neighborhood association. I wish that people would stop trying to find what isn't there. Their time and energy would be spent a lot more productively if they were to actually be rolling up their sleeves and helping to save our city and make it a better place to live in!

    Mark A. Parrilla

  2. Mark-The facts are quite well known as to those who helped you form your NA. All of us want to see a better Lake Worth. Some, however, have different reasons for getting involved. Thanks for your explanation.

  3. Lyn,

    You say facts are well known. The best way to ascertain facts is to have been present and witnessed it with your own eyes. The minute you rely on interpretations from people who weren't there you sacrifice quite a bit of the truth.

    Mark A. Parrilla

  4. Due to the controversy and irregularities surrounding his"election"as president of his neighborhood, Ryan should not have been nominated or elected to the NAPC board.In addition, Ryan is a newcomer to NAPC and nominated himself for the position of chairman.

  5. kkss21,

    You obviously don't sit on the council because your statement about him nominating himself is totally false. I was there and can redact the facts! I will refer to my previous post right above your post. "The minute you rely on interpretations from people who weren't there you sacrifice quite a bit of truth" in this case ALL the truth. A nominating committee was formed and they created a slate of candidates and then that slate which went to a vote before the council. Ryan and I are both newcomers to the NAPC but I guess the people who have been on it for a long time thought him worthy and at the end of the day that is all that matters.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day,
    Mark A. Parrilla

  6. At the meeting prior to the NAPC elections, Ryan Anderson NOMINATED HIMSELF to be chairman.The other presidents were somewhat shocked at this faux pas power grab, but too stunned to say 'WTF"? After all,what do you really SAY to a person clueless enough to think that nominating themselves is okay ? Again, considering that TRNA had no bylaws at the time and Anderson probably shouldn't even have been allowed at the meeting ,that Anderson was under a cloud concerning his "election" and that he was a newcomer to the council,it takes a person with a huge set of balls and no sense of priority to do what he did.Hopefully ,Anderson will be a good and fair chairman, and not the power hungry 'my way or the highway" bully that shamelessly promoted himself into the office.Mark,I don't know why you are denying this happened.The other presidents know it happened. Ryan Anderson knows it happened. Maybe you were in the bathroom or something when it happened.
