Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our Pool Pump House

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This morning, the plumber described our Pump House as an "old facility" and said that we all wear out from age. It's true--everything eventually wears out but using "age" as an excuse for neglect is unacceptable. These photos show that what has happened at out Pump House is more than just about "age."

Some of the old wiring pulled out

Corrosion on wires

Interior of Pump Room

1 comment:

  1. An e-mail just received--


    Just read your Blog and the reason the pool house was not addressed by "Willard", it was environmental problem and he (Willard) knew it was, (and so did others)! To remove the problem properly was not in the budget (GBG or City), costly, approvals, permits, etc., so it was not addresses. Who was responsible for the management of this project - GBG, the City, License Holder (did you know Steele and Willard do not have State of Florida GC Licenses, personally. Steele acts as a Qualifier and Willard on BS), Project Managers,etc.? Where are the submitals, approvals, permits, plans and specifications located for public review. Who reviewed these documents? Was work started at the pool without these approvals or documents? Was the process ignored and by whom? Did you know the same law firm representing GBC (lawsuit against the City of Lake Worth) is the same law firm for a similar lawsuit in Connecticut?

    Note:These comments used are personal and are questions, only, not accusations.
