Sunday, March 14, 2010

On Susan Stanton

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It’s not for us to understand. Even Susan doesn’t understand why she wanted to become a woman. The difference, however, is that she acted on what was “right” for her future personal well-being. She is still the same person but in a different façade. Instead of zipping up the fly, she is pulling up panty hose.

Last night’s documentary on CNN was riveting and compelling. It showed her many trials and emotions to become what she believed she always should have been, a woman. When she made her decision, she stood by it and has no personal regrets other than who she might have hurt along the way. Her love for her family is stronger than ever.

Who watching did not have empathy and feel for her in all the things that she went through? It took so much courage. Could we have done as well if God had decided to change our circumstance? We are mired in abstractions. Susan says that her life as a man is totally irrelevant. Who are we to challenge that? She is a woman. She is our city manager. We should be proud.

Note: The documentary will be repeated tonight on CNN 8pm


  1. I agree completely. I sent Susan a note last night at her office commending the integrity to her rebirth. As simple humans, we understand very little about the functionality of the human body. It saddens me when tight minds always have to drag God into what they think is right or how they interpret scripture. If we in fact were created perfect, there would be no diabetes or diseases or inherent imperfections. Genetic codes are complex. The bottom line is acceptance, love and respect for others. There is no norm. People need to stop using themselves as a measuring stick as to how others should conform.
    Kudos to Susan. I wish her much success and happiness in her life.
    R. Robitille Ballard
    Tampa, FL

  2. Professionally, Ms Stanton will,I hope , be judged strictly on her job performance. Not on her personal life.On a personal level, I am glad that Susan has chosen to be a part of our community here in Lake Worth, and I 100% welcome her.Katie

  3. I agree with comments about Susan's personal courage to become authentic to herself. In addition, I extend kudos to the city of Lake Worth for their ability to be inclusive concerning the rights of an individual to contribute to society in spite of the outer shell that houses the human spirit.
    Gracie in Chapel Hill
