Tuesday, March 16, 2010

No Reprieve for Lake Worth

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Due to above average rainfall and receiving double the amount of rain compared to last year, yesterday the South Florida Water Management District rescinded emergency water restrictions. Instead of emergency restrictions, there will now be permanent restrictions on water usage.

"Developed with input from water users across the region after more than two years and 30 public workshops, the conservation measures limit irrigation of existing landscapes to two days per week. A provision in the measures allows for three-day-a-week irrigation in counties south of Lake Okeechobee, with local ordinances supporting the more stringent two-day measures. "

Lake Worth and Hallandale Beach are still the exceptions with irrigation watering limited to one day a week in a 4 hour window.

Ron Ward, Capitol Correspondent, says that the State will have Trouble meeting water needs.

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a yard anymore. Just one more penalty for living in Lake Worth,although in my defense, It wasn't like this when I moved here.Keep on building boys and girls.Put up condos everywhere!Florida's water is unlimited!If we run out, Disney can just imagineer more !!!
