Friday, March 19, 2010

A Message from Troy the Lake Worth Trojan

Troy, the Lake Worth High School Trojan

I’m not sure how old I am, but in 1922, when Lake Worth High School was dedicated, I was the gleam in someone’s eye. Maybe it was one of the seven girls in that first graduation class in 1923 that brought me into this world. Also, I’m not sure who my father is, since that first graduating class was all girls. However, Mom and Dad must have been something special, because I have inherited my tenacity and spirit from someone.

Over the years, I have been a force to reckon with and my entire existence (even if I do say so myself) has been spectacular. I say this because I have songs written for me, people shout my name every time the school has athletic or scholastic competitions, and I am displayed on the clothing and publications of the school. The thing I am most proud of is those of you who attended Lake Worth High. I am proud that you still have found memories of me and continue to support the school and current students.

Now, I am an 89 year old war horse that still believes in those of you who respectfully sang “Hail to Lake Worth High,” and belted out our fight song, “Onward, Onward Trojans.” You were and are Trojans. I need you to climb into that Trojan Horse with me and help our future alumni succeed in the future.

Here is how you can help.

On April 10th, 2010, the Alumni Association is holding a fundraiser in support of the “Lake Worth High School Dollars for Scholars Foundation”. This fundraiser, the Hats-On Luncheon is an annual event that has successfully raised thousands of dollars for other “Trojans.” So, let’s say you live in Atlanta or Alaska and cannot attend the event, but would like to support your old Alma Mater. You can become a sponsor of this event. I will personally make sure that anything you donate will go entirely to the Scholarship program, and you will be recognized at the event, in the program and in our publications. The deadline to be included in the event program is April 5, 2010.

Pick a level below and please send the following form or include the information with your check made payable to:
Lake Worth High School Alumni Foundation, Inc.,
Send to: Roberta Stephens, 304 Golfview Road-PH 8,
North Palm Beach, FL 33408

Sponsorship Levels:

Senior: $1,000

Junior: $500

Sophomore: $100

Freshman: $50

If you want to attend the luncheon, call Doris at 561-964-4722.

Thank you to Doris Dorsey and Roberta Stephens for passing along Troy's message.

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