Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Lois' Waterfront

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To some, the cost is no problem. That mindset is why this country is in so many problems-- over $12 trillion in debt and growing and we can't dig our way out. We will buy it now and figure out how to pay later. We did it on our Gateways. We continue to spend. If it looks good and Michael Singer is involved it must be the greatest achievement in the eastern...oops western hemisphere. (Click the link and then click on Planning to see the Flagler Drive photos)

Lois Frankel spends money like she has it to burn recently completing her Flagler Drive waterfront project for $30 million. I'm sure that it is out of this world. Everything Lois does, is.

Because of people who just have to have “green” all around, the Palm Beach International Boat Show which will be held for 4 days starting March 25, is having a big problem and they are asking Lois to waive half of the $80,000 fee because of the green features in the design--landscaping put in along Flagler Drive. It apparently is hindering their operation in erecting tents.

SunFest on the other hand has the opposite problem. It is not happy because they say it has limited their opportunities to make money and now won’t even use the stage built at the Great Lawn. The lack of any tree there is the problem.

So its top signature events are unhappy and Lois never asked them. Does Lois care? I guess not because the City has said that it won’t change its landscaping for anyone. "We love our green."

How does Lois continue to get away with her spending spree? A $154 million city center housing a new library prompted a citizens' law suit that went to the Florida Supreme Court that the City eventually LOST. Lois plowed away anyway. And now a $30 million downtown waterfront? The Commission had to cut $20 million from its budget for this year and denied pay increases to its police department.

With the intent to lure tourists, what does Lois say about the Flagler Drive improvements? “They are absolutely fabulous.”


  1. Lynn,

    Interesting article,

    As you may know I have worked in the marine industry for more than 25 years, and have participated in many boat shows. Many of them were operated by Show Management, the company that is complaining about the changes at the West Palm waterfront.

    Show Management's ideal venue is like the one they use for the Fort Lauderdale Boat Show, good docks bordered by large parking lots. That way they can set up the displays without taking care to not damage the area (and whatever damage they create is cheap to fix).

    If you speak to people in the marine industry you will find that Show Management has a history of conflict and employs any tactic they can to bully and maximize their profits to an unreasonable extent.

    Keep in mind that the docks installed by the City will save them much money and enhance the show, yet Show Management doesn't mention that.

    It's sort of like expecting the users of Bryant Park to pay for damage to the lawn or walkways if the hold an event there. The company doesn't like that since it cuts into there profits.

    Sunfest will have to put the stage they use in the same location they have for years and not use the new stage. Doesn't seem like too big a deal, particularly when the new stage will serve the City well for the other 51 weeks of the year.

    I find it interesting that you often point out the "evil" of companies maximizing their profits at the expense of others. Yet in this case you disregard the long term benefits the waterfront provides the people and side with companies who complain that the new park will not allow them to make all the money they might.

    Oh yes, almost forgot, the last time I checked West Palm Beach is in the Western hemisphere.


  2. Thanks Tom. You are an excellent writer. You should be doing PR for West Palm Beach or any city that wants to spend a lot of money that it does not have. You would be Lois' dream marketeur. And thanks for always critiquing my work.

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