Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Let Stanton do her Job

The Palm Beach Post said that our Commission gave a mixed review of our City Manager. Not really but sort of. As reported yesterday, she got a 3.48 rating overall...a high rating and a 4.1 average from Jennings, Golden and Mulvehill. Varela and Maxwell gave low ratings.

Well, the City Commission in so many words told Susan Stanton to treat employees a little kinder and a little gentler. Now she can protect the public works director even more than she has. Let's hope he doesn't move any more parking lots. Frankly I have no idea what she has said or hasn’t said to employees. One thing that we do know, the majority of them is working better than they ever have before and the City is showing the results of her leadership. One main reason this City was in so much trouble was because of Staff. Ms. Stanton is correcting this.

The critique of Stanton has given employees the “out” to complain and the comfort to know that they can. They found sympathetic "friends" at Scott Maxwell’s and Rene Varela’s office. No more excuses. You all will be evaluated now that the City is implementing performance reviews for all. Can you just see it when that one employee is rated “needs lots of improvement” and goes crying to the Mayor or Commissioner Maxwell?

Stanton needs to be able to do her job.

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