Friday, March 26, 2010

Financial Advisory Board

Jennifer Marchal, CPA
Received unanimous vote from City Commission

The City Board interviews went well. I am always impressed with those who interview and want to volunteer their time. The people in our City are amazing and these applicants were all highly qualified.

Basically, the Commission over-looked politics in its appointments with the possible exception of four people: Paul Blockson, our former Fire Chief, and Mary Lindsey, former candidate for Lake Worth political office, applied and did not get appointed only receiving 2 votes each. Both were well qualified for this Board. Some behind the scenes believe that Mr. Blockson would have had a conflict of interest as pension retirement benefits would be looked at within the scope of duties of this new Board and our millage rate is affected by fire rescue. I would guess that the Commission took this into consideration. The others were Ron Exline, former Mayor and Commissioner, and Laurel Decker, a CPA, each receiving 3 votes.

The Finance Advisory Board was established to promote transparency in the City’s budget process and allow more citizen input. It will advise the Commission as well as the City Manager.

Laurel Decker wants to tackle the Utility, a mystery to all of the taxpayers of Lake Worth. As expenditures are projected at $163+ mil in this fiscal year, we get the biggest percentage of revenues from our Utility. William Thrasher, the City Manager of Gulfstream with an MBA and a Financial Manager got 5 votes. His philosophy is to look, learn and investigate. John Pickett got 5 votes and stated that it was time for him “to get out of the stands, put on a helmet and get into the game.” Jessica Plotkin receiving 4 votes and Secretary/Treasurer of Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association, had a good interview as did Darrian Dority who received 5 votes.

From high school graduates up to those with Master’s degrees and CPA designations, all had a common goal--transparency, allocating funds and spending wisely, and looking for waste so that taxes might not have to be raised.

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