Thursday, March 11, 2010

Exline Sues

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You have to watch out for those urban planners. Jim Exline just won't go away. Out of prison on corruption charges, he's now suing someone. If you can't get it one way, change the plan; get it in another.

He's the guy that the PB Post and Patrick Parrish of the Lake Worth Herald just LOVE to mix up with Lake Worth's own Ron Exline, no relation. Read about it HERE.


  1. Urban Planners do not make it a habit, more than any other member of any profession, to either run for office, be jailed for corrupt activity or sue for injury in an accident. Please refrain from indicting an entire profession for the faults of one individual.

  2. Wes is right. At least Exline is not a real estate agent !
