Monday, March 8, 2010

The Cove and the Dolphin

At last night’s Academy Awards, we were reminded, once again, about dolphin abuse and the reprehensible outcome of these beloved animals motivated by profit.

The Cove won as best documentary out of six other meaningful films. It was an expose on animal abuse and the mass and bloody slaughter of dolphins in Japan. By winning this prestigious award, Rick O'Barry has now brought attention to the entire world regarding the slaughter for food as well as the capture of dolphins for international attractions and greed.

Just a few months ago, Rick O'Barry had a short video on the capture of dolphins. This film came to light during the last election, called The Dolphin Trafficker, a despicable animal abuse video about the capture of dolphins. The deaths that occur and the trauma experienced by these animals only for profit by Ocean Embassy, was an eye opener to all who saw it. Our own Mayor was a partner in this company. As far as I know, he still is.

Perhaps now The Palm Beach Post and the Lake Worth Herald will open their eyes to the truth as they both discounted this as important or relevant and endorsed Varela in spite of it. Voters agreed and overlooked this horrible abuse that is affiliated with a company that captures wild animals. They all rolled over for politics. They ridiculed those who stood up against this vile practice and said that the trauma and even death that occurs to the dolphins for the return of millions of dollars by their abusers was okay. Their argument, as well as the Mayor's, was he was treating the injured dolphins, a humanitarian gesture and something veterinarians do.

Now the entire world will be able to view this important film. After viewing it, there will be no doubt left in anyone's mind.

Watch the trailer--

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