Saturday, March 20, 2010

Congressman Ron Klein on Illegal Immigration

Comment Up
From: Congressman Ron Klein
Mon, March 15, 2010 11:46:23 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Thank you for contacting my office regarding immigration reform in the United States. I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.

Please know that I share your concerns about the serious economic and security problems created by poorly implemented border security programs. Reforming the Department of Homeland Security is critical, particularly as we work to strengthen our domestic economy and curb illegal immigration.

You may be pleased to know that I am a cosponsor of H.R. 3308, the SAVE Act of 2009, legislation which would set forth border security and enforcement provisions, including increases in border patrol and investigative personnel, expansion of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism along the northern and southern borders, and mandatory use of E-Verify for all employers. This bill would improve our interior enforcement capabilities and provide our border patrol with the resources they need to effectively do their jobs.

Additionally, on January 28, 2009, I voted in favor of amendments to H.R. 1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, that will increase funding for measures to strengthen U.S. border security. H.R. 1 will ban companies from receiving small business loans if they have hired, recruited, or even referred for employment any illegal alien. The bill also provides for $700 million to hire more border guards, deploy effective border technology, and continue construction of the border fence.

The number of illegal immigrants in the country today makes it clear that neither our efforts to secure our borders nor our immigration laws are effectively working. If we are serious about stopping illegal immigration, we need to change the status quo. We must replace rhetoric with adequate resources for equipment and law enforcement along our borders to fight crime and secure our borders.

We must also focus on what brings illegal immigrants to this country in the first place. Until we focus on the source of the problem, we will not deter illegal immigration. I support real penalties for employers who take advantage of illegal labor.

In the past, Congress has only paid lip service to addressing this problem. Illegal immigration is a drain on our tax resources, it depresses wages unfairly for Americans, and is a matter of national security. We must utilize our law enforcement capability to the best of our ability.

Please be assured that I will keep your views firmly in mind as we consider immigration policy reform in the House during the 111th Congress.

Thank you again for taking the time to write. I sincerely appreciate your input and hope that you will feel free to contact me anytime I may be of assistance to you. In addition, I hope you find my website ( a valuable resource in keeping up with events in Washington and the 22nd district of Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Why doesn't Mr Klein just send Border Control to Lake Worth? That would be a start.
