Monday, March 8, 2010

City Manager Performance Review

The format for Susan Stanton’s performance review is coming up for discussion tomorrow night. Mayor Varela has decided to measure her performance on a Review Form from the International City/Council Management Association of which Ms. Stanton is a member. Cara Jennings wants to include a “self-evaluation” component. Stanton was never given any set goals when she contracted with the City other than what is described in our City Charter and what the Commission has asked her to perform over the past 10 months.

The City of Lake Worth should have its own Review Form relative to our City and tailored to our needs and expectations. If the Commission has no idea about Ms. Stanton’s performance after all these months, heaven help us. They are interacting with her all year long on a weekly basis. The only reason to have a formal review is to justify Commission actions as to a city manager’s continued employment and possible salary and/or benefit increases.

It was stated at one meeting that the city manager did not interact with citizens as much as she should. I think this is a poor criticism as she has been working long days and night’s to turn around our broken city. She has always been cordial to citizens and has always been agreeable and willing to meet with them on appointment.

Her employment agreement with the City has a beginning but has no end. She can be terminated without cause by giving her six month’s salary, accrued vacation and sick days. This amount has to be paid in cash within 15 days of termination.

It will be interesting to hear the politics that will enter into this process.

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