Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The City Manager Evaluation Matrix - Balance of Cool

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There were 9 categories:

Providing Information, Providing Advice, Financial Management, Personnel Management, Accomplishing the Job, Citizens Relations, Intergovernmental Relations (Maxwell gave her a rating of 20% on this category), Communications and Management Style.

Overall, our City Manager received an average 4.1 out of 5 by Jennings, Golden and Mulvehill. This is excellent…a B grade. This is what our Poll indicated—the majority of the people who took it believed that our City Manager was doing a Good to Excellent job.

The Vote, 5 being the best score.






Stanton…3.2 (when evaluating yourself, you always have a tendency to score yourself lower)

The Mayor and Commissioner Maxwell, two individuals who have been in office for four months, decided that they had a clearer understanding of our City Manager's performance over the last 11 months; they knew best. Both rarely attended city commission meetings until they had decided to run for office. Maxwell even had the “proof” with him although he never cited one sentence or one paragraph to prove that his low score for Stanton was deserved. The book was colored Red but the final outcome was all Green, a natural balance of cool.

1 comment:

  1. We must always learn from our betters!
    Susan Stanton brings 18 years City of 75000 people management to the table!

    Maxwell and Varela bring: NEVER managed a 75 000 residents Town management experience, 4 month rookies,bring these pedantic windbags!
    As presumtuous inferiors of Susan on that level, they should observe her implementation of disciplined work ethics and as intelligent people would, learn from her necessarily strict methods.

    Lack of discipline,disobedience,irresponsibility and strict work and business ethics is flushing this Country's economy and people into the toilet! Remember crooked lazy banks, criminal lazy mortgage brokers?????Never qualified anything,just approved giving away depositers' money?
    Commission criminal waived bidding is doing the same! Susan did allow Utility Director to blow a $997.000 transformer and $100.000 transport out of town with all our money!!!!Still not replaced.
    Romano replaced Murphy immediately for $300.000 less!!!!Remember 2002?
    Susan wake up this is over the limit!
    Dee McNamara
