Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Austin Brookley

Austin Brookley
Intern to Mayor Rene Varela

Austin is 18 years old. He is a graduate of Lake Worth High School and was on the school's debate team. He now attends PBSC. He knows exactly what he wants to do with his life--serve in some political capacity, perhaps even as an elected official.

He applied to our Recreation Board last year and this year he told me that he wants to be a member of our Community Relations Board. He was at the meeting last night to speak on his Plan--Volunteer Lake Worth. I have learned that there are three openings to the CRB Board and three people have applied. Austin has a good chance of being chosen as he represents the youth of today that must deal with all the problems caused by us older folks. A great place for him to get his feet wet is right here in Lake Worth.

Austin is involved in Organizing for America and was Regional Field Director speaking for President Obama's healthcare plan. He spoke at the Palm Beach County Democratic Executive Committee meeting last year and encouraged everyone to unite behind the Public Option. Austin said, "We must pass the Health Care Reform and stay focused on bringing about change. Public Option is a start."

Thanks to the Mayor for giving Austin an opportunity. This will be invaluable experience and Lake Worth will be better for having him.

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