Sunday, March 21, 2010

2pm today History will be Made

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President Obama's Healthcare Plan will come to a vote at 2pm today in the House. Democrats say they have the necessary 216 votes plus some and the Republicans say they do not.

Nancy Pelosi has always said that they would not vote on this until they were certain that they had the Vote. The Democrats keep talking about this as the most important piece of legislation since Social Security. Look what the government has done to that.

According to Rasmussen today, 50% of all voters say that they’re less likely to vote this November to reelect a member of Congress who votes for the health care plan.

1 comment:

  1. Any elected official that votes yes to this unconstitutional,unwanted disaster will be voted out of office whenever they come up for reelection. I and the rest of America say "good riddance". Any elected official that votes against what the majority of America wants, does not deserve to be an elected official.Today will mark the beginning of the biggest shift back towards America's conservative roots in over 100 years.Thank Obama for being the one to finally overflow the toilet on what has become the most corrupt Government in U.S. history.Bring in the plumbers.
